
HillariumHillarium - Spreading Love and Smiles

Welcome to Hillarium, a crypto token with a mission to spread love, laughter, and harmony throughout the world. At Hillarium, we believe in the power of positivity and the ability of humor to transcend boundaries and bring people together. Our aim is to promote world peace, harmony, and universal brotherhood through various initiatives and real-world applications.

Our Vision:

Hillarium envisions a world where laughter knows no bounds and where every individual is united in the pursuit of peace and happiness. We believe that by harnessing the power of comedy, memes, and entertainment, we can break down barriers, foster understanding, and create a more joyful and harmonious global community.

Our Mission:

Spread Love and Smiles: Through our various platforms and initiatives, we aim to spread love and smiles to every corner of the globe. Whether it's through comedy shows, viral meme content, or uplifting TV programs, we strive to bring joy and positivity into people's lives.

Advocate for World Peace: Hillarium is not just a cryptocurrency; it's a movement for peace. We actively advocate for world peace, supporting initiatives and organizations dedicated to conflict resolution, diplomacy, and reconciliation.

Promote Universal Brotherhood: We believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. Through our projects and partnerships, we promote universal brotherhood and solidarity, celebrating the rich diversity of human experience.

Join Us:

Are you ready to join the movement for love, laughter, and peace? Invest in Hillarium today and become a part of something truly meaningful. Together, we can spread smiles, bridge divides, and create a brighter future for all. Let's make the world a happier place, one laugh at a time. Welcome to Hillarium - where love and smiles reign supreme.

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Tokenomics ⚜️

Total Supply

10 billion coins


  • Marketing: 2.5 billion coins
  • Viral Content Production: 1.5 billion coins

Tax Fees

No tax fees on transactions

Burn Rate

50% of the total supply

Roadmap πŸš€

Phase 1: Foundation (Months 1-3)

Launch Hillarium token and website, foster a strong community foundation, kickstart marketing initiatives, and cultivate strategic partnerships. Achieve a $10 million market cap with an initial cohort of 1,000 dedicated holders. Engage with early adopters through social media and community events to build brand loyalty. Secure partnerships with key influencers and content creators in the crypto and comedy spheres.

Phase 2: Expansion (Months 4-6)

Amplify marketing efforts, debut the inaugural Hillarium comedy show, initiate viral meme marketing, and deepen partnership networks. Double the market cap to $20 million and expand the holder base to 2,000 members. Launch the "Hillarium Laughs" web series, featuring comedians and personalities from around the globe. Begin collaboration with meme creators for widespread social media engagement, focusing on virality and brand visibility.

Phase 3: Consolidation (Months 7-9)

Introduce staking and rewards for loyalty, broaden content offerings, spearhead community-driven projects, and partner with charitable organizations for social impact. Triple the market cap to $60 million and grow the community to 5,000 holders. Launch "Hillarium Heroes," a community initiative to spotlight individuals making a difference through humor. Partner with global charities, using blockchain solutions to facilitate donations and support.

Phase 4: Global Impact (Months 10-12)

Expand Hillarium's global footprint through international marketing, forge worldwide partnerships, advance blockchain developments for social good, and celebrate key milestones with the community. Reach a $100 million market cap with 10,000 holders across the globe. Introduce "Hillarium Global Fest," a series of international events celebrating humor, peace, and unity. Develop "Hillarium Impact," a blockchain-based platform to support charitable projects with transparency and efficiency.

Phase 5: Legacy and Innovation( Year 2)

Cement Hillarium's position as a leader in using cryptocurrency for positive social change, innovate within the blockchain space, and establish a lasting legacy. Launch the Hillarium Foundation, dedicated to supporting projects at the intersection of blockchain, entertainment, and philanthropy. Innovate with new blockchain solutions that address global challenges, focusing on sustainability, education, and health. Expand the "Hillarium Network," a consortium of businesses, NGOs, and community organizations united in leveraging technology for social good.


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In progress... ⏳
